

Using frames you can divide your browser window into different display sections. Each frame content is specified in a separate HTML document. The go live toolbar offers various buttons for defining and editing frames for your page.


First, click on the "Define Frames" button to open the Frame Editor.


Use the "Add Frame" button to insert a new frame into your document. Enter your frame name into the name field and specify the document URL for the frame content. Use the "Divide Frame" button to divide an already existing frame horizontally. The "Flip Frame Orientation" button rotates a frame.

To resize a frame you have to select it first. Place the mouse pointer at the frame border and press the mouse button. If you want to delete a frame, choose "Clear" from the "Edit" menu.

If you click the "Frame Resizable by User" button, the user is allowed to resize your frames within his browser window. The "Resize Mode" popup offers three different modes to define your frame size. Choose "Fixed" if you don't want the frame to be resized when the user resizes his browser window. Choose "Relative" if the frame should be resized relatively to the browser window size. Choose "Percent" if the frame should have a fixed percentage of the browser window size.

The "Scrolling Mode" popup also allows three definitions. Choose "Scrolling" if you want a frame which can always be scrolled. Use "No Scrolling" if you want to avoid scrolling within your frame. Use "Auto Scrolling" if the browser should insert scroll bars where necessary.

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